| Choose your subject and setting ... provide a photograph for landscapes and portraits.
For an abstract (my favorite challenge!) ... we'll talk, discuss ideas, then I'll
wing it! |
 | I'll work with you to determine size, coloring and interpretive style |
 | We agree on a price |
 | I will complete the painting and present it to you |
 | If you like it ... you pay me and it's yours |
 | If you don't ... I keep the painting and you have no further obligation. You pay
nothing unless you buy the finished product. Painting is now my life's work. I
am going to paint no matter what. If I sell one, I receive the satisfaction of
knowing I created something unique and memorable for another person, and hopefully
enriched their lives in some small way. If you don't buy it, I am still all the
richer for the experience. |
 | To have me work with you on a painting, call Tom Morgan at (214) 340-2533 or send an
e-mail to morgart4u@aol.com |